Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Two Thoughts for the Day

I tuned into AM 570 this afternoon like I normally do expecting to listen to the vernacular Merlot that is Dennis Miller, and to my unhappy surprise they have moved his show to the 3am time slot and replaced him with a local guy! It's not bad enough that they took Dr. Larua off completely, but now I'm expected to get up at 3am to listen to Dennis! What is this world coming to?

Another thought I had today was that I need to TURN OFF THE TV. I keep telling my kids they need to do something else besides watch tv, but then I find myself turning on the cartoons for them so that I can watch tv for myself. Do I really need to watch The Today Show, Rachel Ray, or The View? NO. I'm thinking about taking a week off of tv (with the excpetion of my Sunday morning news shows: Fox News w/Chris Wallace, This Week (I miss you George) and Meet the Press. No more cheesy weekday morning "news" shows, no more daytime talk shows, no more court tv, no more American Idol (which I only watch b/c Olivier loves it), no more Fraiser reruns at 11pm and....wait, when does the new season of Lost come on- I will have to include that in my exception list.

I'll keep you posted as to when I start and how it works out.

1 comment:

  1. The new season of Lost starts Tuesday. That's one show that, no matter what other decisions I make regarding TV, I will watch. Even if it comes on past my bedtime.
