Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 2/3

Yesterday morning went better than I had expected.  I woke up and cuddled with Tristan for about 30 minutes before he “told” me to get up and come play with him.  When I protested he said “I’ll even play Barbies,”  which was a reference to my love of Barbie play when I was a kid.  Olivier was out for a walk and Hayden was playing with his R2-D2 character when Tristan and came into the living room/play room.  We ate breakfast together while I read the WSJ online and then Hayden actually did some school work (math, history and reading).  If TV had been an option, he never would have agreed to doing school work.  Another quiet morning.

I managed to make it through the day without the urge to turn on the TV (maybe because there is NOTHING on network TV on the weekend).  We were out running errands when Jacques Pepin’s cooking show was on so I missed that. Once the kids were in bed Olivier and I watched the last episode of The Tudors for season 3, but I failed to turn off the TV once it was over.  I  was too tired to read, so I watched the last 30 minutes of Law & Order and then went to bed. 

This morning was my version of heaven (or at least one version I have of heaven).  I woke up at 8am (Hayden and Tristan slept in until 8 as well!) and I had them come cuddle in my bed for a few minutes before I turned on cartoons for them.  Then I snuck out to the living room, turned on Fox News Sunday w/ Chris Wallace, started the coffee and exhaled.  I was alone with my news show and since I’d withheld TV from the kids for a few days I was uninterrupted by guilt. 

For some reason This Week was not on at 9am so I opted to talk with my mom on the phone for a bit and get dressed for the day.  With the kids still watching cartoons (PBS of course) I settled in at 10am to watch Meet the Press to complete my Sunday morning programming.  Following that we turned off the TV, made lunch and headed out to go grocery shopping. 

So, I’ll admit that going the weekend without a lot of TV is normally fairly easy; Olivier is home so we get to go out and do family things, and there isn’t much on anyway.  This week might be more challenging but maybe I’ll finish my library book!

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