Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dress Form

Last weekend Olivier, my husband, helped me make a homemade dress form out of duct tape and “great stuff” filling.  I used it today for the first time and it worked.  It’s not a perfect match of my figure- because the filling expanded in a few places and ripped the tape causing some “bumps,” but I can use it to place the darts in the correct place and to fit the sides and underarm.   It’s difficult to press pins into it, but for now it will serve me better than having nothing at all.  Mom, if you’re reading this, I’ve added a real dress form to my Amazon wish list. 



You could also use this technique to make a superhero costume! 

I found some time to get some sewing done today.  The dress I’m working on is almost finished now, I just need to hem it- and the shirt I’m almost finished with just needs to be hemmed too.  I see a pattern here.


  1. Ahahaha! You should market this. Duct tape dress forms. It's like a catsuit, just... classier. ;-)

  2. Oh, crap. I'm in Chris's email. It's Emily!
