Summer is officially over. The neighborhood kids are back in school (thank goodness); Hayden has re-started home school from a two week break; I’m sleeping with the electric blanket on; I no longer wish for a Mike’s Hard Lemonade in the late afternoon (instead it’s a martini); we have begun to wear our “cozy clothes” all morning and into the afternoon; the Capri Suns have run out; Halloween costumes are out on the store shelves (oh, speaking of stores, Neiman Marcus, my favorite store, is scheduled to open next week in Bellevue. Finally, civilization has arrived!); Olivier is wearing long sleeved dress shirts again (which means our dry cleaning bill is about to soar); the leaves are already starting to turn, damn those leaves; air conditioned spaces annoy me; and our summer tans have faded.
On a different note, I’m taking our car in next week for its scheduled oil change and inspection but I’m also going to have the mechanic walk me through the parts of the car because the boys and I are going to drive to Washington, DC at the end of the month! We’ll break up the trip by stopping in Wisconsin for a week (on the way there and the way back) and spend several weeks in DC. Stay tuned for our travel frolics and follies.